Selamat Ulang Tahun Gweneth
Selamat Ualang Tahun January 20 and 20 things I will always remember about you: 1. Knitting Together 2. Drinking tea Together 3. ...
Selamat Ualang Tahun
January 20 and
20 things I will always remember about you:
1. Knitting Together
2. Drinking tea Together
3. Watching a movie
4. The bookstore
5. Rustico
6. Yoga
7. Playing the game
8. Our discussion every night
9. Your support for my blog
10. Walking together
11. Cooking together
12. Learn about Batik
13. Halloween dress up
14. Playing with Hayden
15. Your support for my book
16. Amazing HostMom
17. Christmas Gifts
18. Anne Karenina
19. Playing Snow Ball
20. Your smile, your kindness and your family.
January 20 and
20 things I will always remember about you:
1. Knitting Together
2. Drinking tea Together
3. Watching a movie
4. The bookstore
5. Rustico
6. Yoga
7. Playing the game
8. Our discussion every night
9. Your support for my blog
10. Walking together
11. Cooking together
12. Learn about Batik
13. Halloween dress up
14. Playing with Hayden
15. Your support for my book
16. Amazing HostMom
17. Christmas Gifts
18. Anne Karenina
19. Playing Snow Ball
20. Your smile, your kindness and your family.
Happy birthday, Gweneth!
I hope everyone can see,
What a great mom you’ve always been,
And how much you mean to us
Terima Kasih Gweneth
Terima Kasih Gweneth
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